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Vol. 31 No. 2 (2025)
The Ethical Formation of International Human Resource Management: Strategies, Challenges, and Impacts on the Global Work Environment
Ghali Abdulrazzaq Omar Salem Almaqboli
pdf (Arabic)
The impact of small enterprise entrepreneurship in achieving sustainable development in Ma’rib Governorate
Yousef Saeed Thabet Ali Alzakri
pdf (Arabic)
Impact of Innovative Leadership on Employees Performance
Iskander A. Sattar, Rokia Abdullah Mohammed Alsomaid , Hend Ahmed Ali Musallam Bagnaf , Rana Muneer Noman Ghalib
The impact of strategic vigilance on Improving the quality of health services A field research on AL-Shifa Specialized Hospital in Shabwah governorate
Mubarak Mohammed
pdf (Arabic)
The impact of knowledge management on competitive advantage (A field study at Al- Qutaibi Islamic Microfinance Bank)
Basheer Al Hammadi, Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Rashedy, Aseel Fadhl Qasem AlKaabi, Adam Abdo Salem Ali
pdf (Arabic)
The Impact of Strategic Planning on Achieving Sustainable Performance:AField Study of Civil Society Organizations in Wadi Hadhramaut Governorate
Mohammed Abdullah Nasser Bin Hidarh , Hussein Abdulqader Al-Juhori , Basheer Mohammed Al Hammadi
pdf (Arabic)
Self-Efficacy and its Relationship to Academic Boredom among Female Students of University College Ranyah in Taif University
Hadwa Al-Sharari
pdf (Arabic)
Social responsibility in educational research: An Analytical Study of the Studies in the Arab Educational Information Network (Shamaa)
Mona Khairallah , Reem Abdel Muttalib Abu Ayada, Huda Al-Hajjaj , Mohamed Saleh
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Standardization of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Scale for Al-Istiqlal University Students
Mohammad Dabous, Mohammed Assaf
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Literary Translation Quality assessment of The Midnight Library
Baleid Taha Shamsan , Afaf Alwan , Mohammed Hamoud Ghannam , Somea Ameen saif , Anfal Saeid Ahmed , Asma'a Sameer Ahmed, Haneen Khaled Suleiman
The Contribution of SMEs to the Algerian Economy: Analysis of Added Value by Sectors and Legal Categories
Soufyane Kheloufi
Obstacles to implementing electronic administration in the colleges of Abyan University
Ramzi Ali Saleh Abdalwadood , Ibrahim Ahmed Ayesh
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Professional Intervention Strategies In Social Service To Solve The Problems Of Forcibly Displaced People
Jamil Jamal Hannoona
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Women Education and Gender Disparity in Nigeria; A Case Study
Ahmad Garba
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Interlocking Narratives: Reconnoitering the Bond and Intersection of Africana women and Africa in Haile Gerima films.
Tigist Alemayehu Gion, Aboneh Ashagrie Zeiyesus, Samuel Tefera Alemu