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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2025)
A proposed vision for electronic marketing of educational services at Najran University as an entry point for developing competitiveness in light of international experiences
Helal Mohammed Ali Saif Al-Sofeany , Fahad Saleh Qasim Maghrabi , Noha Othman Mohammed Arbab, Bushra Mohammed Saeed ALBhloli
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The Impact of Total Quality Management on Improving the Quality of Healthcare Services at the National Cancer Control Organization in the Republic of Yemen: A Field Study at Al-Amal Center-Taiz.
Ghada Alnahari
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The Role of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Improving the Quality of Services Provided to Members of Trade Unions and Federations in the Southern Palestinian Governorates
Mazen Al Shobaki, Suliman A. El Talla, Mahmoud T. Al Najjar
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The impact of Transformational leadership on Achieving Strategic Success (A Field Study at Union Cement Company in Aden/Abyan)
Marwan Alwali
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“The impact of Employing Marketing Research Dimensions On Achieving Service Quality: A Field Study at the General Corporation for Yemeni Wireline and Wireless communications Sanaa center"
Nasreen Abdoalhafeed, Dr. Abeer Gamil Thabet
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Assessing Awareness and Usage of ChatGPT among Lecturers and Students: A Case Study of the University of Science & Technology, Aden, Yemen
Yosra Abdullah Salem Elewa, Mohammed Fadhl Abdullah
The The Impact of Islamic Financing on the Economic Development of Aden governorate (A Field Study at Saba, Al-kurimi and Tadhamon banks)
Iskander A. Sattar, Ammar Saleh , Omar Hubaishan
The Impact of Internal Control on Maximizing Profitability in Pharmaceutical Companies in the Republic of Yemen (Field Study)
Huda Abdulrahman Mohammed Abbas , Hekmat Salah Ali Allan
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The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Sustainable Marketing in Hayel Saeed Anam Group
Faiza Ahmed , Abeer Jameel Thabet , Ejlal Waleed Al-Hamedi
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The Arab literary criticism between modernity and globalization
Mohammed Lamine Cheikha
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Exploring the Role of symbolism in Reflecting the Social and Culture Values in M. Moustadraf's Blood Feast
Baleid Taha Shamsan , Najwa Mohammed Saeed
The impact of (2011 revolution, war, Corona pandemic) on profitability indicators in Yemeni banks
Abdulsalam Mohammed Mahdi Aina'a, Ahmed Abdullah Mohammed Al Noor
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The Impact of Accounting Information Systems Characteristics on Financial Decision-Making (A Field Study in Commercial Banks in Aden Governorate – Yemen)
Ashal Muhammad Al-Haithami , Ibrahim Jamal Abdo , Jalal Muhammad Saeed, Hussein Dayan, Ayoub Ali Abdulqadir Abdo
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Level of Human Resource Development in Yemeni Universities from the Perspective of Administrative and Academic Leadership
Shaker Seraea Munassar Abdullah Seraea
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Transforming Alliances: A 20-Year Overview of Singapore-US Relations under Lee Hsien Loong