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مجلد 7 (2014): Issue 4
Strategic Planning for Quality and Accreditation at Arab Higher Education Institutions(2012-2013).
Mustafa H. Al-Taiee
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Evaluation and its Impact on the Improvement of University Academic Staff Performance
Thana A.Khalaf، Hasan Gameg، Lamya H.Muli
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Degree of Implementing TQM at Graduate Program: Misrata University
Mohamed O. Al-Ghazal، Mohamed R. Shoayb
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Degree of Implementing TQM at Sport Colleges from Faculty Members Perspectives
Ayed K. Al-Kinani
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Influencing Factors in Adopting TQM at Benghazi University-Libya
Yousef M. T. Al-Qumati، Ali M. A. Al-Hashemi
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Principles of TQM and Its Role in Mohamed Khiedher University Performance, Baskara-Algeria
Bin Aieshi Bashier، Bin Aieshi Ammar
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The Development of Educational Research at Sudan Faculties of Education in the light of Quality Assurance Criteria of Arab University Faculties of Education
Fysel M. A. Saeed، Al-Siddiq I. M. Abdullah
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The Social Responsibility of the Islamic University Faculty members and the ways of Activating it
Fayez K. Shaldan، Sumaya M. Sayemah
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The Ability of Accounting Departments at Jordanian universities for Graduating Qualified Graduates: Graduates Perspectives
Abdullah M. Al-Zubi
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A proposed Method for Implementing Sudan HE QA Criteria in the light of International Ranking of Universities
Yaser M. M. H Al-Sayyed
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