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مجلد 5 عدد 1 (2014)
Effectiveness Enhancement Program Based on the Dimensions of Learning of Algebra in the Development of Habits of Mind Product of Gifted Students of Second Grade in Middle School of K.S.A
Othman Ali Alghtani
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The level of general intelligence and creativity among students with visual disabilities at the University of Neelain - Republic of the Sudan
Anas Al-Tayeb Al-Hussein، Sehaim Ornasr Mohammed
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The learning and Thinking Styles among Students with Learning Difficulties in Math and its relationship to the achievement, Gender and Attitudes towards Mathematics in Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Ahmad Alkhateeb
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Habits of the Mind and Their RelationshipTo Achievement Motivation among Students in the College of Education at King Saud University
Mohammad F AL.Qudah
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The effectiveness of the proposed program for the development of thinking skills in mathematics, and its impact on the developmentof educational acquisition, cognitive intelligence, and psychological attitudes towards subject on G5 students in the Kingd
Jameel Hasan Hasan
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The Role of Social Education Teachers in enhancing Creative Thinking Skills among Secondary Students at Al Qanfatha District Schools From Viewpoints of students and Teachers
Ali Abdel Karim Mohammad Al Kassab
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The Effect Of Using Storytelling in Science Teaching on The Achievement and Creative Thinking Among Fifth Elementary Grade in Madina- Saudi Arabia
Mohammad Khair Alsalamat Mohammad Ahmad Al-Khateeb، محمد أحمد الخطيب
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Gifted Students disruptive behavior practice in school from their Prespectives
Wisal Mohammed AL Douri
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