The Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education is a peer-reviewed, open access Journal published Trimonthly by the University of Science and Technology-Yemen in collaboration with the General Secretariat of the Association of Arab Universities. The Journal welcomes articles that contribute to wide spectrum coverage of scientific work includingQuality Strategic Planning, Total Quality, Quality Assurance, Quality Environment of Teaching and Learning, Quality of Teaching and Learning Resources, Quality of Teaching Staff, Quality of Teaching Methods, Quality of University Teaching Aids, Quality of Assessment Methods, Learning Outcomes, Quality of E-Teaching and Distance Learning, Quality of Scientific Research, Quality of Community Services, Academic Accreditation and Any other topics related to Quality of University Education and significance of the scientific content are essentially considered.

Online ISSN: 2308-5355  

Print ISSN: 2308-5347

An Empirical Study of Information Resources Indices on Undergraduates Utilization of Library Collections in Nigeria Universities

Luqman Ayanlola ATANDA, Grace Effiong ETUKUDO, Victoria Adeola OLUKAYODE, Ajibola Sunmade GBOTOSHO

Quality of School Education Research

Institutional Excellence in Special Education Institutions

Shereen Abdelgawad Ahmed, Mohammed Khamis Alharbi
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