
Ali Kaid Al-Sharabi


Abstract: Takhzeen al-Qat (Qat chewing habit) in Yemen is widely spread and practiced by millions. Adverse health effects of this habit on body systems and oral tissues have been reported. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of Qat chewing on buccal and gingival oral mucosa among Yemeni Qat chewers. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which subjects were randomly recruited from patients attending dental clinics in two hospitals in Sana'a, Yemen. Subjects were interviewed for chewing and smoking habits and examined clinically for the effects of Qat chewing on buccal and gingival mucosa. Results: A total of 650 subjects satisfied the inclusion criteria. Subjects were 515 (79.20%) males and 135 (20.80%) females. Among these, 490 (75.38%) were Qat chewers. White patch on buccal mucosa recorded in 486 (99.7%) among Qat chewers. White patch on gingival mucosa recorded on 442 (89.8%) among Qat chewers. Gingival recession recorded on 370 (76.0%) among Qat chewers. Differences between chewers and non chewers were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study concluded that mucosal white lesions occurred more frequently in Yemeni Qat chewers.


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Takhzeen al-Qat, Qat chewing, Khat, Adverse health effect, Buccal and gingival mucosal conditions, Yemen

Original Article
How to Cite
Al-Sharabi, A. K. (2011). Conditions of Oral Mucosa due to Takhzeen al-Qat. Yemeni Journal for Medical Sciences, 5(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.20428/yjms.v5i1.256