Failure Rate of Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns in Taiz, Yemen: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Objective: This study aimed to determine the causes of failure in porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) dental crowns in Taiz Governorate, Yemen.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional analysis was conducted and recruited approximately 40 participants by distributing a questionnaire to dentists and dental technicians.
Results: Most (70%) of the participants were male, and 50% had a bachelor’s degree. Experience levels ranged from 5.0 to 47.5 years; those with more than 5 years of practice accounted for 52.5%. Most of the time, crown failure was due to tooth preparation that wasn't right for the crown (100% of the time), an unclear abutment line (100% of the time), crowns that didn't fit properly (90% of the time), poor oral hygiene (70% of the time), and gum infection (57.5% of the time). Psychological factors (75%) and material quality (100%) could predict crown longevity. Furthermore, 90% estimated that inadequate sealing and poor adhesive cement were the cause of failure. Also meriting mention is that 75% agreed that not the patient but rather lack of proper installation and high-quality adhesive cement, was responsible for failure. Additionally, the study highlighted that dentists and technicians were equally responsible for shared causes of common failure, as indicated by all of the participants (100%).
Conclusion: The study's results indicate that various factors contribute to PFM crown failure. This means that it depends a lot on the right clinical procedure, the material used, and how well the dental professionals work together. Addresses to these factors might improve the long-term success of PFM restorations.

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