
Mahmoud Farhan Abdulsalam K. Alhazmi Nasr Alsakkaf


Abstract: The transformation brought about by artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly altered the nature and pace of work. The AI incorporation in various sectors has significant impact on the employee performance and operational efficiency of organizations. This integration can result in improving the overall effectiveness of the employees, boost the productivity of the existing working systems, and produces outcomes that can accelerate the process of achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The adoption of these AI mediums can have significant impact for the employees if supported by management, the employees have interest and acquire skills for adoption, and if proper infrastructure is developed for its integration. By analyzing current literature and empirical data, this study offers insights into how organizations can utilize AI to improve performance while addressing challenges such as regulatory constraints and employee resistance. This study also offers insights about various organizational factors that can facilitate in successful integration of AI. Further studies can explore and assess the measures and outcomes in various organizations based on their specialties, fields of work, and employee dynamics.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Farhan, M., Alhazmi, A. K., & Alsakkaf, N. (2025). A Model for AI-Driven Employee Performance Enhancement. مجلة العلوم والتكنولوجيا, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.20428/jst.v30i2.2760