Role of Electronic Management in Achieving Competitive Advantage in Yemeni Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Sector in Presence of Intellectual Capital as A Mediating Variable
The current study aimed to determine the mediating role of intellectual capital on relationship between e-management and competitive advantage. The descriptive analytical approach was used to achieve the objectives of the study. Due to the small population of the study (375 employees) in the Yemeni pharmaceutical manufacturers, a complete census was used. A questionnaire was used for data collection and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to analyze the collected data. The findings revealed a significant positive moral impact of e-management on both the intellectual capital and competitive advantage. The findings also showed a significant positive moral impact of intellectual capital on competitive advantage. Simultaneously, the findings revealed a significant mediating role of intellectual capital on relationship between e-management and competitive advantage. The study recommends that greater attention needs to be given to e-management and intellectual capital due to their positive impact on competitive advantage.
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