The Effect of The Interaction between Worked – Examples Strategy with Self Explanations and Prior Knowledge in The Development of Scientific Concepts and Well –and ill-Structured Physical Problems Solving with First-Graders Secondary Students "Interpreta
The research aims to study the interaction between worked – examples Strategy with self-Explanations and prior knowledge in the development of scientific concepts and Well –and ill-Structured physical problems Solving with first-graders secondary students . The current study was reached following results: (1) Worked Examples with Self- Explanations Strategy have an impact on Scientific concept achievement and concepts and Well –and ill-Structured physical problems Solving with first-graders secondary students, (2) There is an interaction between teaching treatment " worked examples with Self- Explanations Strategy - worked examples strategy " and prior knowledge "high - low" on Scientific concept achievement and Well –and ill-Structured physical problems Solving. In light of this result, Worked Examples Strategy relative impact on students , Where effectiveness this strategy depends heavily on the experience levels of the learner, It is very effective with the less experienced learner, and can lose their effectiveness and its negative effects and consequences when used with the most experienced learner. Hence, the design worked examples so lacking for the process interpreting procedures and steps of the solution, allows for the high prior knowledge learner Because exercise self – Explanations of the solutions of these examples, Thus achieving understanding of the given information and the objectives and actions and movements inside the worked example.
Key words: Worked - examples Strategy with Self Explanations , Prior Knowledge, ill-Structured physical problem, Well-Structured Physical Problem, Expertise Reversal Effect Phenomenon.
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