The Structural Model of Relationships between Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Psychological Well-Being in the Light of the Variables of Perceived Achievement and Self-Actualization among University Students
This research paper aimed to develop a constructive model that would explain the structure of relationships between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and psychological well-being in the light of perceived achievement and self-actualization. The research sample consisted of (346) students from the first and fourth years of the Faculty of Education - Damanhour University. They were between 18-22 years old. The emotional intelligence scale (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2002), General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995) Psychological Well-Being Scale (Springer & Hauser, 2006), Perceived Achievement Scale and Self-Actualization Scale were all applied to the sample. The data was analyzed using path analysis found in the Liseral program (Liseral 8.8). The study results led to a causal constructive model that explains the relationship between emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and psychological well-being in the light of perceived achievement and self-actualization. The results also showed a statistically significant impact of self-efficacy on perceived achievement and psychological wellbeing. There was also a statistically significant impact of self-efficacy and perceived achievement on self-actualization and psychological wellbeing. It was also clear that emotional intelligence and self-efficacy had a statistically significant impact on self-actualization and psychological wellbeing. Self-efficacy had the highest impact, whereas perceived achievement and self-actualization had lesser impact; and emotional intelligence had the least impact.
Keywords: emotional Intelligence, self-efficacy, psychological wellbeing, perceived achievement, self-actualization.
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