
Luqman Ayanlola ATANDA Grace Effiong ETUKUDO Victoria Adeola OLUKAYODE Ajibola Sunmade GBOTOSHO


This study investigated the relationship between information resources indices and undergraduate utilization of library collections in Nigeria Universities. Five objectives and five hypotheses were formulated. Survey research design was adopted. Cluster sampling technique was used in the study and the university used for the study was Osun State University and Federal University Otuoke. The total population used was 297, 159 registered library users from Osun State University and 138 registered library users form the Federal University Otuoke. A fourty items questionnaire developed by the researcher. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient (PPMC) were used to analyse the generated data for the study. The findings of the study indicated that there is a significant relationship between information resources indices and undergraduates utilization of library collections in the university libraries of Osun State University and the Federal University Otuoke. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that library resources should be regularly updated as current resources would enhance users utilization of information resources and librarians should endeavour to acquire relevant library collections that are highly demanded by the users of the university libraries. Sequel to the findings of the study, it was concluded that library users can only derive maximum satisfaction from their utilization of quality library resources that are relevant to their information searches.


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information resources indices, undergraduates, utilization, library collections, universities, Nigeria.

Quality of Teaching and Learning Resources
How to Cite
ATANDA, L. A., ETUKUDO, G. E., OLUKAYODE, V. A., & GBOTOSHO, A. S. (2025). An Empirical Study of Information Resources Indices on Undergraduates Utilization of Library Collections in Nigeria Universities. The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 18(65). https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v18i64.2659

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