
Fateh Debla


The aim of this paper is to discuss the potential convergence of internationalization strategies for quality assurance practices at universities and educational and research institutions. This is the result of the interaction between the methodologies of work developed by international accreditation institutions and classification standards. This study uses a deductive methodology based on comparing the results of these institutions and analysing their sources and effects on directing quality practices towards common international patterns governed by factors related to globalization, which require convergent and compatible educational patterns, as well as openness to international markets, and the influence of large companies employed by individuals on the characteristics of graduates and learning outputs that are compatible with their interests. One of the most important results of this study is that it showed that there is direct guidance from the methodologies of the work of international accreditation and classification institutions that leads to the emergence of normative and standard quality practices in educational and university institutions.

There are still major efforts in the field of research and practice to reach a greater consensus among educational institutions in the world, especially Arab and Islamic institutions. There are also challenges waiting to be resolved so as to guarantee benefiting from this international activity while preserving national interests, identity, and values.


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Methodologies of International classification and Accreditation Institutions, Schools of business, Standard Quality Practices.

Quality Assurance
How to Cite
Debla, F. (2023). A comparative study on the role of the methodologies of classification and accreditation institutions in the internationalization of quality practices in business schools: (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS) / (QS, Sanghai, Times Higher Education). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 16(55), 97–113. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v16i55.2185