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مجلد 6 (2013): Issue 4
The Status Of Quality Assurance Management Practicing in Higher Education
Eisa Faraj، Mustafa Abdullah
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The extent to which social sciences teachers in M’sila university possess the technological teaching competencies as a standard to Total quality
Tahar Medjahdi، Moustafa Baali
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Standards for Quality of Supervisors of Examiners Selecting for Masters Thesis in Education Faculties of Gazza Universities from Their Points of View
Mohammad Ibrahim
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Compatibility Obstacles with Arab Universities Union Standards of Quality Assurance and Accreditation A case study of Mosul University / Iraq
Moyassar I. Ahmed Aljuboury، Humam Adnan
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Electronic Learning and The Ability of University Staff to Apply its Skills
Mahmood Alhafidh
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The level of achievement of total quality management standards from the point of view of the teaching staff of the faculty of physical education at Kerbala University
Aied Kareem Al-Kenani، Aziz Kareem Wanas
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The degree of teaching competencies exercised by the faculty members in light of the overall quality management criteria from the view of the students of the Faculty of Education at Al-Baha University
Mohammad Aboud AL- harahsheh، Yasien Abdel Wahhab Yasien Ahmad
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Extent of E-Learning Contribution in Quality Assurance of Higher Education “Case Study of Accounting Learning in the Jordanian Universities
Walid Zakaria Siam
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