Automatic Detection System for Vehicular Heatstroke Prevention
Many children and animals had died from Vehicular Heatstroke every year. According to the “Not Heatstroke organization,” 882 children have died due to pediatric Vehicular Heatstroke since 1998 in just in the US. Vehicle manufacturers have not given this tragic problem the needed attention despite the massive development of the technology of vehicles. Nowadays, the technology of vehicles has been improved by different types of systems such as Anti-Lock Brakes, Electronic Stability Control, Adaptive cruise control, Lane-departure warning system, and Self-parking which assist and protect the driver's life during the trip. In this paper, a comparison between this system and other vehicular heatstroke detection systems will be executed. An automatic vehicular heatstroke detection system will be designed based on an Infrared Array Sensor. This system will detect any child inside the vehicle by using the Infrared Array Sensor “Grid EYE” as soon as the driver leaves the vehicle. After that, the system will activate the light and horn of the vehicle as an alarm. And then, the system will send an SMS to the driver by GSM signal. Finally, the system will send a signal to turn the air condition on only in case there is no response from the driver.