The applicability of Sigma Six pharmaceutical factories in the Republic of Yemen
This study aimed to identify the possibility of the application of six sigma in drug manufacturing companies in republic of Yemen (survey study for some drug manufacturing companies in Yemen) Modern & Globalpharma. This study focused on five basic elements to determined availability of Six Sigma application requirements: (availability of strategy for continuous improvement of quality, supporting and concerning the top management, availability of human resource for applying of six sigma, applying the updated quality control &assurance system, the suitability of information system) while the last element focused on identifying the obstacles six sigma application.
To achieve the objectives of the study the researcher developed questionnaire and distributed to study samples which comprised most of top and middle management employees, supervisor in operation management systems, and some of production employees who concerned about the quality issues in the factory. The study samples numbers were (125) persons and percentage of samples from this study community is (26%)whereas the numbers of returned questionnaires were (105) which present (84%) from samples. Three questionnaire have been taken out because they were applicable for the statistical analysis so the final numbers of analytical questionnaires were (102) which present (81.6%) from study samples. The researcher uses some of statistical methods such as average, standard deviation, SPSS. Depending on the previous analytical methods the researcher have concluded some results and the most three essential ones are as the following:
- Availability of most six sigma application requirements in the two companies, Modern & Global Pharma, with high degree except human resources which get middle degree.
- Availability of six sigma obstacles by high degree more than other six sigmaapplication requirements.
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