ملامح الإرتباط التجاري والثقافي والاجتماعي بين العرب الحضارم وبلاد أرخبيل الملايو (خلال القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر الميلاديين)
Most evidences assure that the Hadarmis Arabs were the first among other Arabs who contacted with the Malayoo land in the history, and that was pre and post of the Islam, and the immigrations were for the sake of trade and was progressed by the appearance of Islam the result of which they had a big and effective contribution in the enlightment of Malayoo'a nations minds by the light of the Islam, its studies and its cultures and due to these efforts there was a success in the development and the progres of the trade and in the deepening of the Islamization of Knowledge in the improvement of the minds of the past religions and beliefs that were existing in the locality ,the result of which the ideological culture for the Malayoo's Islamic civilization was formed, with the consideration of some local and inherited values that match the Islamic values with the adabibility of Islamic civilization ,beside their roles in the affinity with the locality's nations which contributed in the making and the foundations of the originality of cultural, economical and political life .
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يعقوب أ. ه. ع. ا. م. (2014). ملامح الإرتباط التجاري والثقافي والاجتماعي بين العرب الحضارم وبلاد أرخبيل الملايو (خلال القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر الميلاديين). Journal of Social Studies, 20(4). https://doi.org/10.20428/jss.v20i4.798