
Iskander A. Sattar Abeer Abdullah Ali Hassan


This study investigated the impact of strategic alertness and its dimensions (social, legal, informational, technological, competitive, economic, and environmental) on crisis management in Yemeni sports clubs. Using descriptive and analytical methods, data were gathered through a questionnaire distributed to a purposive sample of 60 participants, with 54 valid responses (90% response rate). Statistical analysis of these responses revealed a significant correlation between strategic alertness across the listed dimensions and crisis management effectiveness in the clubs. Findings showed notable differences in participants' responses based on educational qualifications, job positions, and experience, while age showed no significant impact. The study recommends that Yemeni sports clubs adopt modern management concepts, such as strategic alertness, to boost competitiveness and address emerging opportunities and threats. Additionally, clubs should closely monitor updates in sports laws and regulations issued by relevant authorities.



: strategic alertness , crisis management, sports clubs , Sports clubs in Aden governorate

إدارة أعمال
How to Cite
The Impact of Strategic Vigilance on Crisis Management in Yemeni Sports Clubs : (A Field Study in Sports Clubs in Aden Governorate). (2024). Journal of Social Studies, 30(3), 98-131. https://doi.org/10.20428/jss.v30i3.2550

How to Cite

The Impact of Strategic Vigilance on Crisis Management in Yemeni Sports Clubs : (A Field Study in Sports Clubs in Aden Governorate). (2024). Journal of Social Studies, 30(3), 98-131. https://doi.org/10.20428/jss.v30i3.2550