
د. عبد اللطيف المقدم Dr. Mehmet Hilmi Özkaya معين الهويش


This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of monetary policy channels in transmitting the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in Yemen using a VAR model and annual data over the period 1990 -2016. The study included the variable of the economic growth rate, in addition to four variables that represent the monetary transmission channels, namely: the channel of monetary (M1), the channel of interest rate (IR), the channel of the exchange rate (DEXR), and the channel of bank lending (LOANS). The empirical results showed the importance of both the channel of monetary and exchange rate in impacting economic growth. It also showed that the channel of interest rate was less important, while the channel of bank lending was not important.


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Yemeni economy, monetary transmission mechanism, monetary policy, economic growth, VAR model

How to Cite
المقدم د. ع. ا. ., Hilmi Özkaya, D. M. ., & الهويش م. . (2022). The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy Channels on Impacting Economic Growth in Yemen. Journal of Social Studies, 27(4). https://doi.org/10.20428/jss.v27i4.1866