التلفزيون ومواقع التواصل االجتماعي كمصادر معلومات في تشكيل صورة الجامعات الخاصة لدى طالبها في اليمن دراسة مسحية
The study aimed to investigate the role of television and social networking sites as sources of information in shaping the image of private universities among students. It also aimed to evaluate the image and the reputation of private universities among students. The study employed a survey method in gathering information. 500 students in four Yemeni universities were selected as the study sample using the stratified random sampling method. The study concluded that social networking sites come in the forefront of the sources relied on by students in obtaining information about private universities, followed by electronic websites, then family and friends. University of Science and Technology was ranked as the best Yemeni university from the perspective of students followed by the Lebanese University and then Azal University of Science and Technology. Tuition fees topped the list of the most important issues related to private universities that the students watched on television and social networking sites, followed by curriculum and teaching methods issues. Also, students had positive attitudes towards private universities. The image of university teacher received the highest average between the image components of private universities, followed by the image of the students, then the image of the curriculum whereas the image of the university administration was ranked last. There are significant differences in the average of students› attitudes towards the private universities, and their assessment of the image and reputation of the private universities, which may depend on the university that students enrolled in. The differences were in favor of the University of Science and Technology students.
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