مصادر معلومات الشباب الجامعي اليمني أثناء الأزمات – دراسة حالة الحراك الجنوبي
This study aims to investigate the information sources of Yemeni university students to trace the so called ‘Southern Movement’ and the cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects of these sources. One hundred and fifty two students were surveyed randomly. The findings showed that the most important information sources for respondents during crises were the Arabic satellite channels and non- government Yemeni TV channels, and then the government Yemeni TV channels. The results also revealed that the most important information sources for respondents to follow the news of the ‘Southern Movement’ were the Arabic satellite channels, conversation with families, colleagues and friends and then Yemeni newspapers. The most important goals that respondents seek to achieve through dependence on those sources include understanding the reality of the ‘Southern Movement’, understanding the consequences of their actions as well as analyzing and interpreting actions carried out by this movement. The study showed that there are cognitive, emotional and behavioral effects on the Yemeni university students resulted from dependency on these information sources.
Southern Movement, Media and crises, Information sources, Media dependency.
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