Quality of University Practicing Assessment from Staff Points of View at Faculty of Arts MISRATA University –Libya
The aim of this study was to determine the degree of practicing the indicators of university performance equality in faculty of Arts/Misurata from the perspectives of the academic staff, and if there were differences in the degree of practicing due some variables. The researcher used the depictive methodology to get results. A questionnaire of (46) items was administered to (60) of the academic staff. The results of this study revealed that the degree of practicing the indicators of university performance equality was moderate, and there were(15) item high practicing, (20) item moderate practicing, and (11) item low practicing. The results also revealed that there were no significant differences in the degree of practicing the indicators of university performance equality due to the variables of (Academic rate, Qualification, and Nationality), but the differences were significant regarding to years of working in the faculty in favor to(1-3) years experience.
The researcher recommended to continue applying quality assurance and accreditation standards which the faculty started, offer a professional development program for employee, provide the faculty with the necessary requisites, and some studies were suggested.
تلتزم المجلة العربية لضمان جودة التعليم الجامعي رخصة مؤسسة المشاع الإبداعي من فئة (CC BY)، والتي تتيح إعادة استخدام البحث بأي شكل من الأشكال شريطة الاستشهاد بالمؤلف (المؤلفين) والمجلة. وتعتبر المجلة أن المؤلف (المؤلفون) موافق على هذه السياسة بمجرد تقديم البحث للنشر.