
Oraib Khaled Dojan Al-Khataneh


The academic achievement of secondary school students in Jordan is evaluated based on the use of feedback-based teaching. The learners are stimulated to correct their areas of weakness through constructive feedback. Therefore, this study presents an investigation of the impact of feedback-based teaching on student’s academic achievement. To achieve that, the study involved a total 160 students were involved in the study from 4 randomly selected private schools in Jordan, Irbid Governorate, two English classes were selected randomly from each school. The students were divided into a control group and an experimental one. The control group received regular instruction while the experimental group was taught using feedback-based teaching, where feedback was provided by the teachers in different forms. Consequently, the analysis denotes that frequent and diverse feedback is highly constructive and improves students' achievement compared to feedback that is unstructured. It is clear that feedback has to be effectively structured to ensure that it achieves its objectives in improving students’ academic achievement.



Academic Achievement; Feedback-Based Teaching; Jordanian Students; Secondary School

Quality of School Education Research
How to Cite
Evaluating the Role of Teachers’ Feedback in Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement: An Empirical Evidence from Jordan. (2024). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 17(61), 131-146. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v17i61.2501

How to Cite

Evaluating the Role of Teachers’ Feedback in Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement: An Empirical Evidence from Jordan. (2024). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 17(61), 131-146. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v17i61.2501