
Safaa Kamal Al-Rawad


This study aimed to reveal the effect of teaching the Arabic language using ‎electronic games in developing the reading skills of kindergarten students in Ma’an. ‎The researcher followed the quasi-experimental research approach. The researcher selected a purposive sample ‎representative of the community of kindergarten students, and the study sample ‎consisted of 84 people. Kindergarten students from schools affiliated with Ma’an ‎Education. The sample members were chosen intentionally and were randomly ‎distributed into two groups, one control and the other experimental, with 42 ‎students in each group‏.‏‎ The results ‎showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level ‎‎(α = 0.05) in the arithmetic means, standard deviations, and adjusted arithmetic ‎mean of kindergarten students’ scores on the reading skill test in the pre-and post-‎measurements according to the teaching method (teaching the Arabic language ‎using electronic games and the regular method) and in favor of The experimental ‎group, which indicates the effectiveness of teaching the Arabic language using ‎electronic games in developing the reading skill. The researcher recommended the ‎necessity of generalizing the teaching of reading skills in the Arabic language ‎using electronic games due to its educational effects and repercussions on students.‎



electronic games, reading skill, kindergarten students

Quality of E-Teaching and Distance Learning
How to Cite
The Effects of Electronic Games on Developing Arabic Reading Skills among Kindergarteners in Ma’an Education. (2024). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 17(63). https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v17i63.2252

How to Cite

The Effects of Electronic Games on Developing Arabic Reading Skills among Kindergarteners in Ma’an Education. (2024). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 17(63). https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v17i63.2252