Ability of the Faculty Members at the University of Jordan to Use E-Learning Tools in Relation to some Variables
This study aimed to identify the ability of the faculty members at the University of Jordan to use the tools of e-learning in relation to some variables. The study sample consisted of (100) participants of the faculty members from different teaching ranks: professor, associate professor and assistant professor. They were selected by the simple random method. A questionnaire, consisting of (33) items and distributed over two dimensions, was developed. The results of the study showed that the faculty members have an average level in using the skills of e-learning. The most important skill used by the faculty members was the skill of using computer and internet, followed by the skills related to the use of e-learning tools. The study results also revealed no statistical differences in the total score between the study sample attributed to the variables of gender and experience. However, there were statistical differences in the total score between the colleges in favor of science colleges. The study recommended to paying more attention to human colleges. Faculty members may also be encouraged by moral and material incentives to use e-learning tools.
Keywords: Ability, Faculty Members, E-learning.
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