
Zakaria Mohamed H. Al-Sheikh Abdullah Ali Qasem Qahtan Abdul Raqib Abdo Asaad


In this scientific paper, a software library for Ternary logic gates will be built based on VHDL language to be used in the implementation of combinational Ternary logic circuits. The VHDL language had been designed to be used to automate and design Binary electronic logic systems. Therefore, several problems have been arised in adapting the VHDL language to be used with Ternary electronic logic systems. However, these problems have been solved and the result were encouragement to continue the study with the other Ternary components, so that a complete software library based on VHDL language for different Ternary components will be used as a tool in the design and simulation of Ternary electronic logic circuits and systems. 

Keywords: Ternary logic, Ternary logic gates, VHDL language.


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Electronics Engineering
How to Cite
Al-Sheikh, Z. M. H., Qahtan, A. A. Q., & Asaad, A. R. A. (2018). Ternary Electronic Logic Systems Automation: A Novel Study Based on VHDL Language - First Part: Ternary Logic Gates. Journal of Science and Technology, 22(2), 27–47. https://doi.org/10.20428/jst.v22i2.1282