Condensation Of Flue Gases In Boilers
Getting all possible energy from the combustion of fuel into the working fluid of the boiler is a great
goal of efficient boiler operations. This saves money, produces higher boiler productivity and reduces
pollution. There are different factors and processes that affect the amount of heat recovery from the
condensation of the flue gases. The objective of this work is to investigate analytically the details of the
condensation process of the flue gases.
The effect of inlet and exit flue gases temperature, water vapour content in flue gases and excess air will
be discussed. Finally how much will the amount of heat recovery be before and after condensation? This
also will be explained in this paper.
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Mechanical Engineering
How to Cite
Elshamy, A. (2006). Condensation Of Flue Gases In Boilers. Journal of Science and Technology, 11(1).