
Muhammad Yazid Bin Noor Rahimi Muhammad Zulhilmie Bin Mohamad Rosdi Akram M Zeki


This paper presents the analysis and design of a prototype system aimed at making coding engaging for individuals of all ages, from primary school students to seasoned learners familiar with the basics of programming. The primary objective is to enhance the accessibility and appeal of coding education across different age groups. The study begins by providing an overview of the Bunny Code project, outlining its scope and objectives. It describes the methodology employed, including the system architecture design, use case diagram, use case narratives, activity diagram, sequence diagram, and the prototype design. The comprehensive analysis and design process are detailed to provide insights into the development of an interactive coding learning platform. In addition to the technical aspects, this paper discusses the results of an online survey conducted to gather perspectives from the target user demographic. By incorporating user feedback into the design process, the study aims to ensure that the prototype system meets the needs and expectations of its intended audience. Ultimately, this research contributes to the field of educational technology by proposing innovative approaches to make coding accessible and engaging for learners of varying age groups. The findings and methodologies outlined in this paper serve as a foundation for the development of interactive and inclusive coding education tools, such as the Bunny Code platform.



Coding Education, Interactive Learning, Educational Technology, Age-Appropriate Learning, Online Learning Platforms, Coding for All Ages.

How to Cite
BUNNY CODE: INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL CODING GAMES FOR KIDS. (2024). Journal of Science and Technology, 29(1), 11-17. https://doi.org/10.20428/jst.v29i1.2139

How to Cite

BUNNY CODE: INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL CODING GAMES FOR KIDS. (2024). Journal of Science and Technology, 29(1), 11-17. https://doi.org/10.20428/jst.v29i1.2139