Personality Traits and some demographic variables of the Creative Literary Writers in the Contemporary Yemeni Poetry
This study aims to identify the Personality traits in some Yemeni creative poets. To achieve this, the researcher prepared a scale for mental Personality traits that fits the environment of Yemen. The researcher used five scientific methods to do so. These methods are as follows:– (The Locus of control, Emotional balance, Extraversion Narcissism, Achievement Motivation). This sample was chosen according to specific criteria. It has a total of 39 male and female poets who fall in the range of 18–60 years old. After applying and analyzing the sample, the results showed that there are no significant differences in the following traits (The Locus of control, Extraversion Narcissism, Achievement Motivation), while found significant differences in an emotional balance trait on the age variable. Analysis also showed that there are no significant differences in the Personality traits on the sex variable. Also, there are no significant differences in the Personality traits on the level of education variable. As for the variable annual of experience in poetry has found significant differences in emotional balance trait, either in the other Personality traits did not exist significant differences due to the variable annual of experience in poetry.
تلتزم مجلة الدراسات الاجتماعية رخصة مؤسسة المشاع الإبداعي من فئة (CC BY)، والتي تتيح إعادة استخدام البحث بأي شكل من الأشكال شريطة الاستشهاد بالمؤلف (المؤلفين) والمجلة. وتعتبر المجلة أن المؤلف (المؤلفون) موافق على هذه السياسة بمجرد تقديم البحث للنشر.