
Atallah AL- Serhan



This study aims at identifying the effect of applying quality and academic accreditation standards on marketing education outputs at the Saudi universities. Applying total quality is considered an approach to make university education services capable of meeting the needs and requirements of the Saudi society and market as well as qualifying students in a way that leads to high quality outputs. Certain hypotheses have been tested according to the following standards ( mission and objectives, authority and management, managing and improving quality , learning and education, managing students affairs and support services, education resources, financial planning, venues and equipment, financial management, recruitment operations of  the educational and administrative staff, scientific research and the relation between the society and the institution).  These standards are accredited by the national committee for academic accreditation in the K.S.A.

The questionnaire method was here used to collect the necessary data through a sample composed of (82) member randomly selected from the educational and administrative staff. The study tool was validated through the opinion of (12) experts. The stability of the study tool was tested through the use of the correlation factor method.

The study results showed  that the Saudi universities pay an important care to the standards identified by the national committee for academic accreditation namely, (  mission and objectives, authority and management, managing and improving quality , learning and education, managing students affairs and support services, education resources, financial planning, venues and equipment, financial management, recruitment operations of  the educational and administrative staff, scientific research, the relation between the society and the foundation), as well as focusing on social responsibility and university employees. The results also showed that the Saudi universities pay clear care to three elements of TQM namely, university organizational culture, focusing on continuous improvement to the educational process and lastly the adoption of the high level management to the concept of TQM. The study recommended that Saudi universities should apply all elements of TQM to all components of the university educational system.

Key words: Quality standards, Academic accreditation ,Saudi universities, Marketing, Education output


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Quality of E-Teaching and Distance Learning
How to Cite
AL- Serhan, A. (2013). The effect of applying quality and academic accreditation standards on marketing education outputs at the Saudi universities. The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 6. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v6i0.750