
Shimaa M. Yousof Manar M. Almohamadi Mohammed T. Alsouri Iman M. Salem


The concept of talent development (TD) has emerged in the last few decades and has been discussed in many reports. The internationalization of higher education institute programs has obliged the universities to search for different strategies to update and enrich the academic performance at the level of employees, staff, and students. Talent development became necessary for many institutions to attract individuals with higher competencies and promote their performance. This review aims to highlight the importance of talent development in Higher education practice and achievement.



Talent War, Higher Education, Internationalization, Talent Management, Talent Development

Quality Environment of Teaching and Learning
How to Cite
Highlights about Talents Development: The Future of Improving Higher Education Quality. (2023). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 15(52), 87-100. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v15i52.2065

How to Cite

Highlights about Talents Development: The Future of Improving Higher Education Quality. (2023). The Arab Journal For Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 15(52), 87-100. https://doi.org/10.20428/ajqahe.v15i52.2065